Undertale the story you never knew

by the time i was feeling cringe at around 6:00 am i found myself looking at muffet fan art in devian art
i started to feel really cold alot colder then what usually feel when i turned on air conditioning
an hour passed and im arleady puffed out from beating dead horse and then the mail came it came through the glass window its common tradition inside was suprising it was different hamsterZ magazines for undertale
the finest monsters lasses it says i'll be left with another sin tommorow night i went back to sleep and somehow its nightime someone tweeted me a message it was toby fox creator of undertale... he said if i ever received ani kind of magazine before i got this message i should burm it and then never mentione it to anyone he says he is going to talk to those hamsters......
creeped out and confused i went to my computer and decided to play undertale genocide route everything was diffrent everyone kept treating me like how it would be in pacifist route but no matter when i got passed papyrus
he didn't die..... he only flew away once his health has drained i was going to the forst encounter with undyne and when she pointed her spear at the bushes while looking around the spear fell... she thought nothing of it and walked away disappearing in the darkness the monster kid looked terrified and ran away from the bushes i try to move the arrow keys but nothing happened again i tried nothing happened until sans came and pulled me out of the bushes frisk was covered in blood the spear penetrated his head then spear vanish
and it showed the chara jumpscare i was scared and toby fox came outta nowhere rko like its no business
i ded